I love Spring! The increasing light, the flowers and the expectancy of more warmth coming our way. Awakening....creating....
I realized the other day that we often assume stuff, about circumstances, about other people, and we are just guessing, making it up. So if I'm just making it up anyway, I might as well assume the best! Great things are coming my way, people have great intentions, etc.
I love this "Energy Man Moment" from Dr Sue Morter
, about how "The Universe" responds to us:
I don't know what I want...Yep
You don't Love me...Yep
I'm pretty worthless...Uh Huh
I fail because of what you did...Yes
I'm hurt...Um Hmm
I'm angry...OK
I'll show you...Yep
I'm worth more than this...Uh Huh
I belong here too!...Yes
You don't even know me...OK
In fact, I'm a fabulous person...Yeppers
I have good ideas and great Love to share...Um Hmm
It doesn't even matter what you think...Yeppp
I am a good person...Yes
I have so much to be thankful for...Uh Huh
Not matter what I say, you say Yes...Yep
So it's just up to me then...Uh Huh.
You can read more of Dr Morter's messages here