Friday, February 13, 2015

YOGA Post 2

I love to try new things and am sometimes overly confident about my abilities.

I don't know how to sew, but I decided to make a shirt for my husband many years ago. In fact I made two. With some help. They are great costume pieces my sons have worn. Recently I decided to make a jacket...I needed a lot of help to complete it. I realize I like to jump into things and figure out the "how to" during the process, rather than waiting till I know how to do what ever it is I'm doing.

Now yoga. I decided I could start teaching, after just a few weeks of studying. After all, I have been doing yoga for many years... Luckily my first class was for just one person, a sweet and supportive friend, so it turned out alright, but it was more difficult than I expected. Probably because I didn't make a specific enough plan. During the class I had to remind myself that I am an actor and could certainly act like a yoga teacher. Next week I will do better.

Eventually my skill will catch up to my confidence.

Thank you, Mandi, for doing yoga with me. And thank you, Syl, for your wisdom and for the wonderful Bodhi Yoga studio.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

YOGA Week 1

I have been doing Yoga for nearly 20 years. A few years ago I began to consider getting certified as a Yoga instructor. This was not an easy decision, and not just because of the investment in time, effort and money involved. Yoga, to me, is a very personal, introspective, and meditative practice. I was not sure I wanted to share my yoga time by teaching others, and yet I was getting these nudgings.....

My thoughts and feelings shifted this past year and I decided to "dive in" and join the winter teacher training at Bodhi Yoga. I began studying in mid January and we met for the first time this past weekend. It was amazing! I am so thrilled to have embarked on this adventure.

I am learning so very much and have changed my mind completely about "sharing my yoga time". I am looking forward to sharing what I'm learning and assisting others in their Yoga experience.