Monday, April 4, 2011

I Love Spring

I love Spring! The increasing light, the flowers and the expectancy of more warmth coming our way. Awakening....creating....

I realized the other day that we often assume stuff, about circumstances, about other people, and we are just guessing, making it up. So if I'm just making it up anyway, I might as well assume the best! Great things are coming my way, people have great intentions, etc.

I love this "Energy Man Moment" from Dr Sue Morter
, about how "The Universe" responds to us:


I don't know what I want...Yep
You don't Love me...Yep
I'm pretty worthless...Uh Huh
I fail because of what you did...Yes
I'm hurt...Um Hmm
I'm angry...OK
I'll show you...Yep
I'm worth more than this...Uh Huh
I belong here too!...Yes
You don't even know me...OK
In fact, I'm a fabulous person...Yeppers
I have good ideas and great Love to share...Um Hmm
It doesn't even matter what you think...Yeppp
I am a good person...Yes
I have so much to be thankful for...Uh Huh
Not matter what I say, you say Yes...Yep
So it's just up to me then...Uh Huh.

You can read more of Dr Morter's messages here

Friday, April 1, 2011

Utah Mosh Pics

My son Skyler has a lot of energy. He is taking 18 hours at BYU, plus he has several businesses he runs. His latest adventure is entering a contest for which he had to build a website. Here is what he has done, it brings most of his businesses together.

Utah Mosh Pics

Right now he needs to get as many links on other blogs as possible, to progress in the contest. So if anyone can post about it and put it on their blog, it will be a great help. Thanks!