Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dipping a toe into the vast Ayurveda Ocean

The depth and breath of what we learn through Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training does not cease to amaze me!

Ayurveda is probably the oldest healing system in the world, has been around at least 5000 years, and is still a popular and effective alternative health option.

The elements of Air, Fire and Water/Earth combine to create the three Doshas or constitutions. Vata (air) Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth/water). Each of us has elements of all three Doshas, but one or two are usually dominant. The aim of Ayurveda is to bring the Doshas into balance. This is done through diet, exercise (yoga), meditation, hygiene, etc.

VATA: (Air, Wind, Space) Dry, cold and light. It means "that which moves things". The air element governs sensory and mental balance.

PITTA: (Fire/Bile) Hot, light and moist. It means "that which digests things". It rules chemical and metabolic processes in the body, also the capacity to comprehend things as they are.

KAPHA: (Water, Earth, Phlegm) Heavy, cold and moist. It means "that which holds things together". It provides substance and support, the bulk of our tissues. Also provides emotional support and stability.

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