Monday, August 10, 2015

Releasing the Psoas Muscle.

This is my second post on the Psoas, I am just fascinated by this deep muscle within our core.

Syl Carson, of Bodhi Yoga, where I have been learning and practicing, says that "Releasing tension in the psoas realigns the experince of existence... an emotional feeling of standing on ones own two feet".

According to Liz Koch, the Constructive Rest Position is an excellent way to release the psoas. This in turn relieves back, pelvic and leg tension.

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor parallel to each other, about 12-16 inches from your buttocks. I find it more relaxing if I bring my toes closer to each other and open the heels, letting the knees rest agains each other. Do not flatten the spine, allow the normal curve to be there. Rest in this position 10-20 minutes.

A variation would be to rest your lower legs on a chair or couch, while lying on the floor, knees bent.

I have so much to learn about this, but I'm beginning to notice the emotional ease that comes as I move towards allowing the release of my psoas.

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