Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Writing a cookbook

My children laughed uproariously when I announced I was writing a cookbook. You see, they and my patient husband, know full well how seldom I follow recipes. It's not that I don't like recipes, on the contrary, I love recipes! I'm always cutting them out of magazines and putting them in files. But it's the possibilities I love, the adventure of creating something new.

The other night, for example, I had some left over rotisserie chicken and wanted to make some chicken salad. I looked at various recipes in my many cookbooks, noted the similarities and the differences. Then taking all these into consideration and based on the ingredients I had on hand and personal taste (less curry, more onions and raisins) I came up with my own and delicious chicken salad. This is also how I do life. I love to learn from others, then do it my way!

1 comment:

H. said...

MARIA! You had mentioned 'a' book you were working on..but I don't think you mentioned it is a cookbook! I'll take you up on the 'cooking dinner together' offer any night you'd like help just so I can learn a new recipe from a pro! Even if you just want someone to bounce ideas off of or talk to. I just want to watch. Seriously, anytime. :) If you want any design or photography help for it too let me know!