Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bodhi Living Movement

Frances doing Bodhi Living Movement
Living Movement is a very unique practice offered at the Provo Bodhi Center Wednesdays and Fridays 10:15-11 AM. 

On the Bodhi Yoga website it is described this way:

Your morning stretch, combined with meditative, conscious, moving Yoga Nidra.  Spending time dedicated to “snail’s pace” moves is incredibly healing; within primal stretching, sound and stillness.

Wikipedia says "Yoga nidra or "yogic sleep" is a sleep-like state which yogis report to experience during their meditations. Yoga nidra, lucid sleeping is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness... The practice of yoga relaxation has been found to reduce tension and anxiety." 

Bodhi Living Movement is not like a traditional yoga class, where the participants follow  specific movements or poses demonstrated by an instructor. It is rather a gathering. A space and time to give yourself the opportunity to dive deep into a moving meditation that takes you into Yoga Nidra, thus creating amazing relaxation, which will reduce stress and in many cases produce healing. 

It's a new experience to let the body decide how to move, rather than have the mind dictate the movement

I went into Living Movement with an open mind, thinking that even if it was boring, it would only last 45 minutes. The instructor explained the process, taught us techniques and tools to help us let go and allow our bodies to lead the movement, and assisted with bolsters, etc. 

It was definitely not boring. I have to say that I was amazed when the time was up, I thought only 10-15 minutes had passed! Think of a time you woke up on your own, not to an alarm, and stretched luxuriously. You didn't have to think about HOW to move your body, your body knew which way to stretch and for how long. Well, it's a little like that, times 100. 

I felt relaxed, refresed, and renewed. My state of mind  as I completed the experience: "Everything's ok, no matter what happens".  I am looking forward to doing more Living Movement! 

You might or might not end up in a pose like this, your body knows what it needs.

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